Randy Hapukurk

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"And yet... I have a paci-Fist."'

— Randy


Randy Hapukurk is a nervous fellow who longs to smell of the briny scent of pickles. His speech is flowery and eloquent, and he is very dramatic. He will give you a pickle jar, which you can either beat against him until it shatters, or have Gillis open it and softly pour it over his head. Beating the jar against him will award you with the "True Anarchist" achievement, while having Gillis open it will get you the "Good Neighbor" achievement. Either of these will make him happy.

Randy mentions that Dr. Habit told him that he could never smell like pickles, which makes him angry, but he is averse to violence. He comments on wanting to punch Dr. Habit in the jaw, but he has a "paci-Fist." This is a hint to find the toothbrush behind the poster nearby. He seems to have a distaste for Dr. Habit in general, stating that he smells like "loose change," which may be referencing the metallic scents of blood or laughing gas. The latter is further supported by Randy during The Big Event if you do not make him happy, where he says that the gas in the air "smells like coins and candy."

Having a rather keen sense of smell, he can tell the player which Habiticians he deems "good-smelling."


  • (When shown Gillis's photo) "Sweaty... An interesting flavour..."
  • (When shown Kamal's photo) "This one...now, this one's got some gorgeous smells. :-)"
  • (When shown Marv's photo) "Oh, good purple man. Very fishy smelling. I approve this Good Sir! :-)"
  • (When punched) "OHO! A new smell! Pain! :-)"
  • (When shown the Megaphone) "You Hath Not Better! Pickling is not for the world to hear, oho! :-0"
  • (When given a Kiss) "A kiss, is what I see, a kiss! From whom, I do not know, maybe from YOU, I wonder, I do. But I am oh-so happy nonetheless. ...My cheek says, thank-a you, kiss-giver. Mwah-mwah!"
  • (When shown the Superhero Painting) "I'm oh-so-undecided on the smell of sweaty muscles."
  • (When shown the Werewolf Painting) "AHH! I... FEAR that! :-)"
  • (When shown the Floral Painting) "Beautiful flowers! I hate how clean they smell. :-)"


  • His last name is the Estonian word for pickle.
  • In the end credits, he seems to work for Jimothan.
  • Randy seems to have a crush on, or be in a relationship with, Gillis, as seen in one of the Steam Trading Cards.
  • Randy was the first character written for Smile for Me.[1]
  • In the epilogue, Randy has published a small collection of poems, titled "Randy, In the Real"



Flower Kid - Dr. Habit - Dallas Smuth - Borbra Luddington - Gerry Podunk - Gillis Soco - Jerafina Tabouli - Jimothan Botch - Kamal Bora - Lulia Fame - Marv Truncler - Millie Coulro - Mirphy Fotoparat - Nat Vancey - Questionette - Parsley Botch - Putunia Mollar - Randy Hapukurk - Ronbo - Tiff Webber - Tim Tam - Trencil Varnnia - Trevor Garbo - Wallus Breadbear